Whether you’ve been studying Italian for years or are just starting, knowing all the ways
to say “you’re welcome” will help you sound like a native speaker!
I’ve made a list of all the ways I know to say “you’re welcome” in Italian.
There are both formal and informal terms, and I’ve also included some that
I personally don’t use or like, but it’s always good to know them!
Prego is the most popular way to say “you’re welcome”
It can be used both in formal and informal situations.

Grazie per avermi aiutato con i compiti.

Di niente / Di nulla
Di niente / Di nulla are used as much as prego.
Both phrases literally mean “nothing”, conveying a sense of “no problem” or “it was nothing,”
They are versatile and can be used in both formal and informal contexts.
“Di nulla” is typically more formal, while “di niente” is more informal in tone.

Grazie per il passaggio

Di nulla!
Grazie a te / a lei / a voi
This one is used when you want to thank back.
“A te” is informal, “A lei” is formal, “A voi” is plural

Ti ringrazio per essere venuta alla mia festa.

Grazie a te per avermi invitato, mi sono divertita molto!
Figurati / Si Figuri
Figurati is informal / Si figuri is formal.
Both stands for “Don’t mention it” / “My pleasure”
The informal version, is commonly used for gifts

Grazie per il regalo

The formal version can be used in a more official setting

La ringrazio per il suo supporto durante il progetto.

Si figuri, è stato un piacere collaborare con lei.
Non c’è di che
“Non c’è di che” can’t be translated directly into English, but the
meaning is “There is nothing to thank me for”.
It’s used to emphasize that the action was done willingly and with pleasure.

Ti ringrazio per avermi dato una mano con la preparazione dell’evento.

Non c’è di che, sono felice di poterti essere d’aiuto.
A more informal way to say it is “E di che?”, which literally means “What are you thanking me for?” It’s used casually to downplay the need for gratitude, indicating that the action was no trouble at all.

Grazie per il consiglio

E di che!
Nessun problema /non c’è (nessun) problema
It can be used both in formal and informal situations.
It means ” No problem” / ” No worries”

Mi dispiace per il ritardo, ho avuto un imprevisto.

Nessun problema, capisco.
Ci mancherebbe (altro)
Ci mancherebbe altro means “of course / I did it with pleasure”.
It can be used in formal and informal situations.

Ti ringrazio per avermi accompagnato all’aeroporto.

Ci mancherebbe altro, era il minimo che potessi fare.
(Sono) Felice di aiutarti
This one can be literally translated into “Happy to help!”
It can be used for formal and informal situations.

Mi hai dato un ottimo consiglio, grazie!

Felice di aiutarti!
È il minimo che potessi fare
This expression can be translated into ” It was the least I could do!”

Grazie per avermi dato una mano con il trasloco.

È il minimo che potessi fare, sono felice di esserti d’aiuto.
È stato un piacere
This expression is quite formal and it refers to the past,
so only use it when the act has already taken place.
It means “It was a pleasure”. It pairs well with “Figurati,” another expression
conveying that no thanks are necessary.

Grazie per averci ospitato durante il weekend.

È stato un piacere, spero che vi siate trovati bene.
“Tranquillo” literally means “calm” or “quiet,” but in this case, it means “no worries.”
Similar expressions are “Stai sereno” or “Vai sereno,” which convey a similar sense
of reassurance in everyday language, particularly among younger people.

Grazie per avermi prestato il libro

Per cosi poco
This expression literally translates to ” for so little”
In context, it’s often translated as “it really wasn’t a big deal” or “it was nothing,”
conveying that something was done with minimal effort or impact.

Ti ringrazio per avermi accompagnato a prendere l’auto.

Per così poco! Era lungo la strada.
Ma (che) scherzi?
Ma (che) scherzi? is an informal expression that blends a questioning and exclamatory tone.
While it literally translates to “are you joking?”, its meaning is closer to “don’t even mention it”.

Hai cucinato una cena deliziosa, grazie!

Ma scherzi? Mi fa piacere che ti sia piaciuta!
Ma ti pare?
Ma ti pare? is an informal expression similar to “Ma che scherzi?” It’s used in a casual context only.

Grazie per avermi riaccompagnato a casa

Ma ti pare?
I hope you found our article on all the ways to say “you’re welcome” in Italian interesting.
Keep practicing and let your creativity flow!